Habita Habit App Design
Project Duration: 1 week
Role: As a Product Designer I was reposnbile for : User research & flow, wireframing, ui elements (including design system), prototyping.
Location: Turkey

What are problem and goal statements?

Problem statements:
Many individuals, including milenials like Anka, encounter challenges in establishing and maintaining new habits due to the lack of a user-friendly and personalized habit-forming application. Existing habit-tracking apps often fail to cater to the specific needs of users in planning, tracking, and maintaining their goals effectively. Users requires a seamless and tailored solution to set and track their goals efficiently.Therefore, there is a need for a habit-tracking application that is intuitive, adaptable, and aligns with users routine, assisting their in setting, monitoring, and accomplishing their diverse goals while seamlessly blending with their life.

Goal statements:
To design and develop a personalized habit-creation application that seamlessly integrates into Users  lifestyle, empowering them to efficiently set, track, and achieve their diverse goals while managing their research work and teaching commitments effortlessly. This application aims to provide them with a user-centric platform that enhances their ability to establish, monitor, and maintain healthy habits and goals in line  ultimately fostering a balanced and productive professional and personal life. This app will provide them reward, streak monitoring, tracking and socialization and when they reach their desired rosette they will be able to share their success stories with world and they can meet and competite new people while joining public challanges.

Design process


Market Analysis: Researched existing habit-tracking apps, analyzed their features, strengths, and weaknesses to identify gaps and opportunities.

Competitive Analysis: Conducted detailed comparisons of competitor apps to understand their functionalities, user experience, and market positioning.

Trend Analysis: Studied current trends in habit-forming methodologies, behavioral psychology, and UX/UI design principles.

Persona Development: Created user persona based on research findings, representing different user segments and their habits, goals, and preferences.

Competitive Analysis



Problem Statement: Formulated a clear problem statement based on research insights and identified user needs and pain points in habit formation.

Setting Goals: Defined project goals and objectives, focusing on addressing the identified user problems and enhancing the habit formation experience.

Creating User Journey Maps: Visualized the user journey from onboarding to habit tracking and goal achievement, highlighting pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Establishing Design Principles:
Established fundamental design principles to style guide (design system) the design process and ensure alignment with user needs and app goals.

User Journey Map

This user journey map aims to illustrate Anka's experiences and touchpoints throughout her engagement with the habit-creation application, identifying key phases and interactions to enhance her habit-forming experience.

Piece of Design System

This user journey map aims to illustrate Anka's experiences and touchpoints throughout her engagement with the habit-creation application, identifying key phases and interactions to enhance her habit-forming experience.


Sketching and Wireframing: Created rough sketches to explore various design solutions and layout possibilities.

Feature Prioritization: Identified and prioritized key features based on user requirements, feasibility, and impact on the habit formation process.

Prototyping: Developed interactive prototypes to test and validate design concepts, gather feedback, and iterate on the app's user flow and functionality.

Want to work together?

If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!